Cose is a general-purpose visual programming language built on fundamentally new ideas.

It is currently under development by two students and not usable.

Read more about our status


Why do we think cose is revolutionary?

  • More expressive


    Graphs are superior to functions/classes/enums/annotations for modeling logic and data.

  • Automatic abstractions

    Instead of functions, classes and enums, you write the code and it will be automatically converted.

  • Static analysis

    Graphs can model more information than current languages. This allows for highest possible static analysis.

  • Speed & flexibility

    As flexible as needed, as fast as possible. Speeds faster than C and flexibility of interpreters are both supported by one compiler in one project.

  • Automatic parallelization

  • Versatility

    Use one language and codebase for low- and high-level code. Optimize bottlenecks fluently without ever having to fall back to creating an interface to a faster but lower-level language (like Rust).

  • Promising potential

    Low-level, we expect much more precise and error-free programming.

    High-level, we are capable of much higher abstractions allowing for more quality per time.

  • Many more

    Automatic memory layout for cache optimizations; full interpreter capabilities for scripting support; more.

Read about our disadvantages, too

Core concepts

What is cose built upon?

  • Dataflow

    an abstraction over control flow

  • Graphs

    a medium with less constraints than text

  • Compiled flexibility

    so we don't have to choose between speed and runtime flexibility

  • Automatic abstractions

    replace functions, classes, enums, annotations, namespaces, packages, modules, etc.

Conceptual Insights

How did we come up with our concepts?