Disadvantages of cose

The flip side of the coin

Our philosophy is "no compromises" wherever possible. This is cose's greatest strength, but also greatest weakness.


As cose is vastly different from existing programming languages, we do not benefit from any existing ecosystem.

That's not a technical constraint, but a natural. Theoretically, for example, you could wrap any UI framework (e.g. Flutter) and call it from cose. This works, however, you'll then find yourself writing normal code just in another programming language, cose. In the example of flutter, you'll probably not make use of cose's state management, something it excels in. Instead, you'll still be working with Flutter's props, StatefulWidgets and Contexts, possibly additional state libraries. This is okay, a correct interop / wrapper in cose will at least not hinder you, but you'll lose many of cose's advantages. Therefore, native libraries are preferred in any situation, but these can't compete with existing ecosystems.

So is cose any good?